Colin Dias Miller

I'm a software startup founder based in Manhattan, New York.

About Me

I mostly grew up in Austin, Texas. I've been interested in computers, politics, and maps since I was a kid.

I launched my startup, Redistricter, during the summer after my freshman year of college. It grew far faster than I expected, so I dropped out of college and moved to New York to pursue it full-time.



2021 - now

Building a web application for political and demographic data visualization.

Room 302 Studio

2024 - now

Collaborating on work involving ReactJS.

New York Times

2024 - 2025

Contracted to build custom software for an article published in the Opinion section. My data has also been cited in several other articles.

Side Projects

A game I'm developing where you build a subway system.

For quickly visualizing census data.

For streamlining the process of turning images of maps into shapefiles (currently offline).

For mapping flight paths.

I like to travel.

Hire Me

While I mostly work on my own projects, I'm open to contract work. If you have something in mind, contact me and we'll schedule a meeting to discuss it.

Contact Me